Chisara Ehiemere
Senior Research Lead of Return on Sustainability Investment (ROSI), NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business
Chisara Ehiemere is the Senior Research Lead, Return on Sustainability Investment (ROSI™) at the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business, where she oversees our ROSI methodology research partnerships with companies.
Chisara has over 20 years of experience helping companies understand the sustainability impacts of their sourcing strategies, and guiding them in building socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable supply chains. In her role as Senior Assurance Director with Field to Market Chisara led the design and implementation of Field to Market’s assurance processes and project-level guidance for measuring and reducing Scope 3 emissions in U.S. commodity crop production.
Prior to Field to Market, Chisara was the Vice President of Certification at Fair Trade USA where she created and implemented certification strategies for international food and agriculture supply chains to improve farmer and worker livelihoods, improve environmental outcomes, and increase transparency in sourcing. She also developed long-term growth strategies for the supply of Fair Trade products worldwide. Chisara designed procurement and supply chain management strategies across multiple industries as a consultant with AT Kearney and Accenture, and earlier in her career as an automotive procurement specialist.
Chisara holds a BBA from the University of Michigan and an MBA from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University. Read her full bio.
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