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SRW&Co. Client Story

ASEAN Global Leadership Program

Management consulting firm SRW&Co. is a leading provider of people management and development solutions in the ASEAN region. For over 10 years, they have partnered with leading universities on the ASEAN Global Leadership Program which was designed as a way for C-Suite and Board level members of the ASEAN region to strengthen their intellectual tools in four key areas: globalization, innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership.

Program Objectives

The AGLP is a specialized program for leaders from both the public and private sector in the ASEAN region. While addressing specific concerns of the participants and highlighting opportunities with the ASEAN Economic Community, the program also aims to provide networking opportunities as part of a commitment to professional advancement and growth. The goal of the program is for participants to bring the skills they acquire back to their organizations, becoming more effective and innovative leaders. Overall, the intention of the program was to provide leaders with a global perspective on business.
SRW&Co. ASEAN Global Leadership Program Participant

NYU Stern and the ASEAN Region

“There is a strong commitment from the Stern leadership team to the ASEAN region,” said Daniel Wong, Chairman and Partner of SRW&Co. Singling out the renowned faculty, Wong was impressed by the shared engagement to build a long term strategic partnership. The collaboration, he says, “will make a significant contribution to the development of leaders in the region.” Vice Dean of Executive Education, Eitan Zemel, echoed these comments, stating that “NYU Stern Executive Education is committed to the belief that a global approach to education is integral for today's business leaders."
Program Objectives

Program Snapshot

The program was comprised of several components.
Participants developed their skills through sessions in entrepreneurship, globalization, innovation, strategy, business analytics, and financial technology.
Company Visits
Participants had the opportunity to visit a startup and an investment bank, which offered firsthand insights both familiar and foreign to their industry.
Action Learning
Academic Director Luke Williams brought participants through an applied ideation exercise, during which they were introduced to fundamental design thinking principles.

The Process

SRW&Co. worked closely with the program management team from beginning to end. They helped pave the way for a successful program by ensuring that the curriculum and experiential learning opportunities were closely aligned to the program objectives. The successful collaboration was reflected in the program evaluation scores — students rated their program experience highly across the board.
The Process

The Faculty

The Faculty

Program Highlight

Coming from the financial sector, the technology industry is foreign to many of the participants. But it was for that reason that a visit to web and mobile application company Pinterest was a rousing success. “The insights they received have a profound impact in terms of getting a better appreciation of the need to humanize technology for a more purposeful mission in business and life,” said Wong. They were especially impressed by hearing the transformational journey of the company through direct and personal testimonials.
Program Highlight

Program Results

Participants in the AGLP left with an enriched understanding of some of the major challenges global companies face today. To read more about this program, please see here.
Innovation Tools
The participants learned how new technologies are disrupting old business models, and were provided with a set of tools to identify and implement innovation within their organizations.
Industry Exposure
Participants from the ASEAN region were exposed to and learned directly from leading technology companies in the United states, augmenting their in-class experience with invaluable industry perspectives.
Cross-Cultural Collaboration
The AGLP program enabled leaders from the ASEAN region to not only share knowledge and expertise with each other but with academic and business leaders from the United States. Thus, the program became an opportunity for cross-cultural collaboration, an important part of Stern’s commitment to the ASEAN region.

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